Annual report

Living our Values 2018

Download the CCS Living Our Values 2018 Report

Yes, it is that time of year already, annual report time! Before we all begin the festivities in earnest, we invite you to read our report, CCS Living Our Values 2018.

This year every member of the CCS team contributed a reflection, report or update from their field of expertise, assessing how well we have worked according to the values we hold as a company.

The CCS Living Our Values 2018 report includes our first Transparency Report. This document features every lot of coffee stripped in to our warehouses between January 1st and December 6th this year. Details include the quantity of coffee purchased, the export partner involved, the FOB paid, the cost of transport financing and insurance, and the CCS markup on that lot before discounts. We are acutely aware of the shortcomings of the FOB, there is so much it fails to communicate, but as we have discussed in this forum, it is the number we consistently have for every coffee, and we must begin our transparency journey somewhere.

We encourage feedback and discussion about any of the topics raised in this report. If you would like to talk to us about it, please email us.