Brazil's coffee producers are some of the most empowered in the world, thanks to the country's well structured coffee sector. With their knowledge, resources and determination, our partners in Brazil are ahead of the curve in coffee production innovations.

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Paulo César Junqueira (Lilica) of Sítio Pinheirinho. Lilica has been a CCS partner since 2015.

Paulo César Junqueira (Lilica) of Sítio Pinheirinho. Lilica has been a CCS partner since 2015.

History and market

Beginning in the 1840s, Brazil rose to become the world’s preeminent coffee producer and continues to be the largest producer of coffee today, currently controlling about 30% of international production. Until very recently, Brazil’s reputation in the coffee world has rested on its massive production volume but times are changing.

The country’s coffee farmers of today are amongst some of the most empowered in the world, given Brazil’s steady rise in socio-economic power since the mid-1990s; some of the major trickle-down effects being increases to education level, wages and overall standard of living. These factors have translated to farmers having a greater capacity to focus on becoming competitive within specialty markets, instead of just on ensuring their farms are economically viable. The evidence of this is in the steadily increasing number of farmers who are experimenting with various processing methods and the planting of exotic varieties, to meet the ever-growing demand within specialty markets.

In Brazil, coffee farmers either work together cooperatives or private exporters, growing and harvesting cherries, wet processing and drying them on-site and then selling coffee in parchment form to their partnering cooperative or exporter. CCS works in Brazil’s largest coffee producing region: Carmo de Minas and all of our partnerships are traceable down to the farm level. On several of the more established farms we have been partnering with since CCS’ beginning, it is exciting to see that the producers have started to conduct some of the most leading-edge processing experiments around.

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CCS’ main export partner is CarmoCoffees. The relationship began in 2005 when CCS sister company Kaffa began purchasing coffee.

CarmoCoffees was founded in 2005 by cousins Luiz Paulo Dias Pereira (LP) and Jacques Carneiro, both from coffee producing families. This year also marked the beginning of the family’s widespread and international recognition as producers of excellent quality coffee when one of their farms, Fazenda Santa Inês, won first place at Cup of Excellence.

LP’s father, Isidro Pereira, purchased the family’s first coffee farm, IP, in 1967, kick starting the family’s foray into the world of coffee. From the very beginning, the family was innovating, becoming amongst the first in Carmo de Minas to plant new cultivars and updating processing models and equipment to improve both quality and productivity.

CarmoCoffees began working with producers all throughout the region, seeking out partners who are equally invested in producing high quality coffee. Since the 2013 harvest season, CCS has been purchasing from both Pereira family farms and their neighbors, increasingly focused on partnering with smaller farms, people who are interested in building long-term relationships and offer unique cup profiles. 

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