Incoming Coffees from Bella Vista

Good afternoon, good coffee people!

It's already been close to five weeks since Bjørnar left Oslo for Antigua. He's been cupping furiously during this time and he's put together a container of fantastic coffees processed at Bella Vista by Luis Pedro Zelaya and his team. He's also been mastering Spanish during this trip - his language course was one of the main reasons for his going away.

Very soon, he will post stories, information and photos of his cuppings, farm visits and travel adventures. For now, here is a list of farms we've bought coffee from:

Hunapu Felicidad Buena vista Dario Hernandez Potrero Colombia Folie Pulcal Santa Cruz

I realize this doesn't tell you much (unless you've bought or tasted coffees from these places before). Bjørnar and I are hosting a cupping on April 4th from 13.00-16.00 at KAFFA for those of you who are interested in tasting these coffees yourselves. The container will be shipped next week and will hopefully arrive first week in May. At our cupping, we will also sample the Kenya coffees that will arrive this month. Let me know if you're coming! Hope to see you then.


Senor B
Senor B