Kenya origin cupping in London

On Thursday, Robert and I had the pleasure of sharing some samples of Kenya coffee that will soon arrive in Oslo. We had six short days to pull everything together but with the help of Jeremy and his great colleagues at Prufrock, we were able to pull it off. There were some great and interested participants from all over the London coffee community in attendance.

We had 10 samples of current crop and for comparison, we brought two of KAFFA's production roasts from last year's crop. Interestingly, Robert thought the past crops were tasting best on the table. Goes to show you there's more to cup quality than what prevailing thoughts/theories assume about crop age. Also interesting to compare sample roasts v. production roasts. This was a difficult table, in some ways, as there were pairs/trios of coffees that differed only in picking dates. A great table overall though - we're very excited and eager to get this shipment from Mombasa.

For those of you who weren't able to make it and have expressed interest in receiving Kenya samples, I'm organizing a cupping at KAFFA. Several of you have requested samples (I will email you about this) but we simply don't have enough to send out to all of you. So if you're available to come to Oslo in the next couple of weeks to cup, this will guarantee that you have a chance to taste incoming coffee. Having said that, I will do my best to send you samples if you can't make it. I'll be in contact with you shortly.

To cap this post off, I'd like to send a sincere thanks to the fine folks at Prufrock Coffee. Your café is beautiful, your coffee tasty and your people wonderful. Looking forward to doing this again soon!
