antwerp warehouse clearance

Antwerp Warehouse Sale - 20% off Ethiopias

Mormora and Hunda Oli - 20% off! See the full Antwerp Warehouse Sale Price List for more deals. 

We are moving warehouses from Antwerp to Vollers in Hamburg which means we have a warehouse to clear, which means stellar coffees at clearance prices like these treasures from Ethiopia that we are offering at a staggering 20% discount.


Guji Natural by Mormora Estate

Mormora Coffee Estate is located in the Oromia Regional State, Guji zone, and Shakisso woreda (which is in this case, also a town). Shakisso is 500km south of Addis Ababa and Mormora Estate a further 20km from Shakisso. 

The farm is semi-forested and covered by indigenous trees. The varieties are ‘heirloom’which means the plants come from seeds that grow wild the area. The soil is red, brownand rich. It is made up of organic materials that have decomposed over decades.

Ethiopian coffees court especially high expectations and attention year after year. Perhaps more than any other origin, coffee roasters look to Ethiopia to provide both stand-alone knockouts, as well as that little something to round out an espresso blend. Time and time again, the “Queen of Coffee Origins” delivers, despite a labyrinthine and constantly evolving coffee auction and export system. Year after year, coffee buyers eagerly make their way through Addis Ababa and into the countryside, in search of the next fabled cup.

Ethiopian coffee is still made up of many wild growing coffee plants – most of them have not yet been classified, so the genetic diversity is currently incalculable. Being wild, these varieties have evolved naturally and so are well adapted to their surroundings. All this means that chemical inputs like fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides are rarely used in Ethiopia; the majority of coffee produced is organic in the truest sense of the word.

This Guji Natural is a mix of Guji heirloom varieties and exhibits rose rose water, cane sugar, berries, peach, citrus in the cup. 

Guji Natural by Mormora Estate, Ethiopia Variety: Guji Heirloom Process: Natural Score: 87,25 Normal Price: $11,07/kg With20% Discount: $8,86/kg You save $2.21!


Hunda Oli

Hunda Oli is a cooperative located near Agaro, in the Jimma region in western Ethiopia, 397km from AddisAbaba. It is part of the larger Kata Mudaga Union.

Farmers in this co-op grow Limu heirloom varieties. The cherries, once picked, are mechanically pulped and soaked overnight. Beans are dried for 6 hours in full shade before being moved to main drying beds and turned regularly to ensure even drying.

Hunda Oli Lot 15 scored 87 points and features floral notes fresh apricot, and a balanced and round cup.

Hunda Oli Lot 15, Ethiopia Variety: Limu Heirloom Process: Washed Score: 87 Normal Price: $11,62/kg With20% Discount: $9,30/kg You save $2.32!

Contact Nico to get your samples.

CCS Warehouse Clearance Sale — Featuring Fernando Bustos & Alto Encanto

We are moving warehouses to Vollers in Hamburg and clearing our Antwerp warehouse. That means stellar coffees at clearance prices, like these two gems from Acevedo, Colombia

Fernando Bustos

Fernando Bustos

Fernando Bustos

While Fernando has had a coffee farm for quite some time, there was a period of eight years that he lived in Ibagué and his brother, Miller, managed El Progreso’s coffee production. On intuition, one day Fernando decided to move back to Acevedo to manage the farm himself and further, to change its production to specialty coffee. He didn’t know anything of about specialty coffee at the time.

Thankfully, neighbour Alvaro Perdomo was already producing specialty and taught Fernando about how to change his processing techniques. Especially when to stop fermentation and start washing.

With the announcement of CCS’ Acevedo Cup in 2016, Fernando worked the best he could with the coffee harvest. He knew he’d made it to the competition selection, which was screened and determined by Fairfield’s cupping team. The international panel of judges ranked the top twenty in mid-December of 2016, but Fernando had planned a trip to Ibagué during the awards announcements and ceremony, so he missed hearing his name called. When he heard that El Progreso had won second place, he was elated.

With the premiums earned from the competition, he planned to build three new fermentation tanks and more drying facilities.

This lot is fruit-forward and sweet: berries, stone fruit, nougat and a clean finish.

Fernando Bustos, Acevedo, Colombia
Variety: Colombia
Process: Washed
Score: 87,5
Normal Price: $14,33/kg
Now: $13.83/kg or $13,33/kg for a full pallet

Alto Encanto


This lot is a "Hamlet Blend" of coffees that were entered into the CCS Acevedo Cup 2016 that did not reach the top twenty. Everyone whose coffee made it into competition were paid price premiums, with the top twenty receiving incrementally better prices.

Alto Encanto was constructed from two day lots from the following producers:

• Nicolas Delgado – 10 bags • Jose Erasmo Peres – 10 bags

The varieties are Caturra, Colombia F.6 and Castillo, grown between 1,400 and 1,600 meters above sea level.

This blend offers notes of black tea, caramel, citrus and an overall balanced cup.

Alto Encanto, Acevedo, Colombia
Variety: Various, incl. Castillo & Colombia
Process: Washed
Score: 87
Normal Price: $11,73/kg
Now: $11.23/kg or $10,73/kg for a full pallet

Contact Nico for samples, and download the full Antwerp Clearance Sale price list here.

CCS Warehouse Clearance Sale — Featuring Don Oscar & Helsar de Zarcero


We are moving warehouses to Vollers in Hamburg and clearing all coffees from our Antwerp warehouse. That means we have some exceptional coffees at clearance prices, like these coffees from Costa Rica.

Don Oscar


The name Don Oscar refers to the micromill owned and managed by brothers Alejandro and Horacio Solis Blanco. They named the mill after their late father who passed away recently from pancreatic cancer. Alejandro and Horacio are fourth generation coffee farmers, and they inherited Don Oscar’s love for coffee farming. They revel in both the physical work of tending coffee plants and being a part of the production cycle of coffee, from seed to parchment.

The Solis Blanco family are a part of Costa Rica’s “micromill revolution.”In many coffee producing countries, “coffee producer” refers only to the person in charge of cultivating and picking coffee. In Costa Rica, however, smallholder farmers are also in charge of processing coffees collected from many small farms. As with any other production chain, those who control the means of production are the most empowered. Costa Rican coffee producers are therefore amongst the most empowered in the world.

The Solis Blanco brothers offer a smooth coffee with notes of dried fruit, hazelnut and milk chocolate.

Don Oscar, West Valley, Costa Rica
Process: White Honey
Score: 86
Normal Price: $11,73/kg
Now: $11,23/kg or $10,73/kg for a full pallet.

Helsar de Zarcero


Helsar de Zarcero is a mill that was established in 2004 by Ricardo Perez and a partner, during the nascent stages of Costa Rica’s “micromill revolution.”

The operation has grown considerably in the last fourteen years. It started with just a depulper and some raised beds, and today Helsar de Zarcero serves a few dozen farms, including a few of the Perez family’s own. In Helsar’s first year of production they yielded 250 bags. In 2016, the micromill produced 5000 bags, 15% of which was organic certified.

The family advocates for environmentally sustainable practices and in addition to their organic certified coffees, they aim to become  Costa Rica’s first carbon neutral micromill. They use both collected rain water and fresh water to process cherries in the eco-pulpers. Each year they plant around 700 trees to offset the carbon their equipment produces, and they set up a fully organic certified cascara production.

Ricardo & Isabel are third generation coffee farmers and it appears this tradition will continue as their daughter Lucía takes on more responsibility at Helsar.

The pioneering Perez family produce a coffee with notes of macadamia, apricot, tea with a grape finish.

Helsar de Zarcero, West Valley, Costa Rica
Variety: Caturra
Process: White Honey
Score: 85
Normal Price: $13,05/kg
Now: $12,55/kg or $12,05/kg for a full pallet.

Contact Nico for samples, and download the full Antwerp Clearance Sale price list here.

CCS Warehouse Clearance Sale — Featuring Gichatha-Ini AA, Kenya

We are moving warehouses from Antwerp to Vollers in Hamburg. There are so many reasons why this is a great thing. Not least is the chance to pick up some great coffees at clearance prices, like this one from Kenya:

Gichatha-Ini AA, Kenya

Without doubt, Kenya is an amazing coffee destination. Coffees from this origin are known for their powerful aromas, flavors of sweet berries, rich mouthfeel, and clean and lingering aftertastes. Acidity junkies love cupping in Kenya. When it comes to acidity the question for Kenyan coffees is not "if?" but “what kind?” 

In Kenya, a “coffee lot” is made from a bigger batch of coffee that is delivered to the dry-mill  from a cooperative on a given day. When a coffee batch arrives at the mill, it is hulled, analyzed technically and sensorially, screened (separated by bean size and shape) and given an outturn-number. 

AAs are flat with screen size 17+. ABs are flat with screen sizes 15 and16. PBs are pea-berries. Screen size does not necessarily correlate with quality in terms of flavor attributes. Nor is it true that PBs are more intense in flavor or better in quality than flat beans. 

We are clearing an exceptional coffee from Gichatha-Ini, Kenya, a factory (wet mill) owned by the Gikanda Farmers Cooperative Society. Located in the Nyeri district, this coffee is grown at 1600 masl in volcanic soil and exhibits notes of blackcurrant, jasmine, black tea with a juicy mouthfeel.

Gichatha-Ini AA, Nyeri, Kenya Variety: SL 28/34 Process: Washed Score: 86 Normal Price: $17,42/kg Now: $16,92/kg or $16,42/kg for a full pallet.

Contact Nicolas for a sample, or see the full Antwerp Warehouse Clearance Sale price list.


CCS Origin Trip to Ethiopia, January 2018

The CCS Sourcing team are currently in Ethiopia with customers and partners from all over the globe including Echo Lou of Coffee Voice, our distribution partners in China. Echo is a talented photographer and she has been documenting the trip on Instagram. Her photos provide a stunning insight into the vital role of coffee in the lives of Ethiopians.

You can follow @echo_lou on Instagram, and check in with CCS daily to see all the photos and videos from the team on the ground.

Here is just a sample:

Ethiopian coffees are renowned for their longevity. Many cup well after several months of rest, some cup even better. We have some stellar Ethiopian coffees from last year that are still cupping beautifully which we're clearing as part of our Antwerp Warehouse Clearance Sale. Check out these offers:

Guji Natural by Mormora Estate, Ethiopia
Guji heirlooms
Process: Natural
Notes: Rose water, cane sugar, berries, peach, citrus
Score: 87.25
Normal Price: $11,07/kg
Now: $10,57/kg or $10,07/kg for a full pallet.

Hunda Oli Lot 15, Agaro, Ethiopia
Limu heirlooms
Process: Washed
Notes: Floral, fresh apricot, balanced and round
Score: 87
Normal Price: $11,62/kg
Now: $11,12/kg or $10,62/kg for a full pallet.

See the full Antwerp Clearance Sale price list and contact Nico for samples.

Stay tuned for our Ethiopia Origin Update, coming soon.



CCS Warehouse Clearance Sale -- Featuring Chuito, Guatemala

We are moving warehouses to Vollers in Hamburg and clearing all coffees from our Antwerp warehouse. Our first coffees will arrive at the Vollers warehouse this month and will start shipping soon thereafter. In the meantime, we have coffees in our Antwerp warehouse we need to sell. That means stellar coffees at clearance prices, like this one from Guatemala:

Chuito, Guatemala

Luis Pedro Zelaya Aguirre (LP) purchased Concepcion de Chuito in 2009. This farm is LP’s retirement project, which is likely why it is so aesthetically pleasing to the visitor.

Farm Manager Cornelio Sapet has been working and living at Chuito since 1998.

Farm Manager Cornelio Sapet has been working and living at Chuito since 1998.

The Zelaya family are long-time coffee growers in the region with multiple farms plus a wet and dry mill. Their business endeavors are not only about profit, rather their aim is to build a sustainable business that supports many generations of their family, and the wider community. With this in mind, they are constantly looking for ways to create jobs. They encourage their workers to educate themselves and in special cases they finance this education. The family’s facility also offers workshops to all their workers. To achieve this prosperity, they aim to to supply the best quality coffee they can to their clients.

LP’s coffee from Concepción de Chuito has notes of lemon, florals and sugar cane with a long finish. - 86.5 points.

Concepción de Chuito, Guatemala
Score: 86.5
Normal Price: $10,85/kg
Now: $10,35/kg or $9,85/kg for a full pallet.

Contact Nicolas for a sample, or see the full Antwerp Warehouse Clearance Sale price list.

CCS Warehouse Sale Continues - kenya

We are moving warehouses from to Vollers in Hamburg which means we're having a clearance sale to empty our Antwerp warehouse! That means you can pick up some exceptional coffees for bargain prices. 

This week we're featuring some classic as well as exotic Kenyan profiles:

Mihuti AA

Turning parchment

Turning parchment

Located in Kirinyaga County, Mukure location of Ndia Division near Kerugoya town. It was established in 1979 and sits on seven acres of land serving Kiaragana, Nguguini, Karuku and Gathuthi Villages. Currently it is affiliated to Mwirua Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd and its membership stands at 1000, of which 600 are active members. The factory is run by Daniel Kamau who oversees the production of an area that experiences a biannual production cycle with the early harvest running from April-June and the late second season running from October-December. The main varieties of coffee grown are SL28, 34 and Ruiru 11, with SL28, 34 accounting to 99% of all coffee produced.

This coffee scores 86.5 and features blackberries and chocolate notes.

Mihuti AA, Nyeri, Kenya
Score: 86.5
Normal Price: $13,29/kg
Now: $12,79/kg  or $12,29/kg for a full pallet.

Mugaya AB

Cherry sorting pre-reception

Cherry sorting pre-reception

Mugaya Coffee Factory was established in 1975 and is a member of the Mutira Farmers Cooperative Society. Located in the Central province within the Kirinyaga district, it serves more than 1600 farmer members, owning an average of 180 trees each. The main varieties of coffee grown here is SL28, SL34 and Ruiru 11.

This coffee scores 87 and features preserved lemons, plums, blueberries and hints of floral notes.

Mugaya AB, Kirinyaga, Kenya
Score: 87
Normal Price: $13,16/kg
$12,66/kg  or $12,16/kg for a full pallet.


Kathakwa AA

Dormans cupping lab, where this lot was found

Dormans cupping lab, where this lot was found

Established in 1964 the Kathakwa factory is situated in the Central part of Kenya, Embu County, well known for producing high quality coffees. It is affiliated with the Kibugu Farmer Cooperative Society (FCS), and the factory serves two nearby villages of Kibugu and Nguviu. Other crops grown in the area include passion fruit, maize, beans and tea.

This washed mix of SL-28 & 34 scores 86.75 and  features yellow raisin, blackcurrant blossom and honey.

Kathakwa AA, Kirinyaga, Kenya
Score: 86.75
Normal Price: $16,53/kg
Now: $16,03/kg  or $15,53/kg for a full pallet.

These great offers won't last. Don't miss out. Contact to order your samples and download the full clearance price list.

Antwerp Warehouse Sale Continues

We are moving warehouses Vollers in Hamburg which means we're having a clearance sale to empty our Antwerp warehouse! That means you can pick up some exceptional coffees for bargain prices. Take a look at our full price list, or check out these offers:

Álvaro Rodríguez, Colombia

Alvaro Rodriguez

Alvaro Rodriguez

Alvaro Rodriguez is 66-years old and has been a coffee farmer his whole life. Although his passion is coffee, Alvaro also owns a dump truck and works as a truck driver, transporting construction materials. It is Don Alvaro's meticulous attention to his coffee plants that keeps our partnership with him thriving year-after-year. Alvaro is one of the most fastidious farmers in LP&ET's Neighbors&Crops program when it comes to coffee fertilization and harvesting.

His washed coffee scores 87 and features red apples, plums and a full body.

Álvaro Rodriguez, Finca Los Naranjos, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Score: 87
Normal Price: $18,47/kg
Now: $17,97/kg  or $17,47/kg for a full pallet.

Duromina, Ethiopia

Duromina Cooperative, Ethiopia.

Duromina Cooperative, Ethiopia.

Left to right: Teka, Mohammad and Abdul Assiz, site managers of the Duromina Cooperative, near the city of Agaro, Jimma zone, Ethiopia. Their 86.5 coffee expresses blueberry, slight lime notes with a chocolatey medium body.

Duromina cooperative, Ethiopia
Limu Heirlooms
Score: 86.5
Normal Price: $11,62/kg
$11,12/kg  or $10,62/kg for a full pallet.

Mithuti AA, Kenya

Factory manager Daniel Kamau works in the Kiaragana Coffee Factory, located in Kirinyaga County, Mukure zone of Ndia Division near Kerugoya town. It was established in 1979 and rests on 7 acres of land serving Kiaragana, Nguguini, Karuku and Gathuthi Villages. Currently it is affiliated to Mwirua Farmers Cooperative Society Ltd.

This washed mix of SL 28 and SL 34  features earl grey, bergamot, nougat and a prune finish.

Mithuti AA, Kenya
SL 28/34
Score: 86.5
Normal Price: $13,29/kg
$12,79/kg  or $12,29/kg for a full pallet.

These great offers can't last. Don't miss out. Contact to order your samples and download the full clearance price list.