Sample Roasting

CCS + Ikawa at SCA

Matt will join our friends at the Ikawa stand during the SCA Specialty Coffee Expo for a demonstration roast. Matt has extensive experience as a roaster and manages QC and samples for CCS globally. He'll talk about his experience at origin with a portable Ikawa, and using it for sample roasting, while serving up some Ikawa-roasted Colombias. 

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Collaborative Coffee Source will be at the SCA Specialty Coffee Expo in Seattle. Join us in Room 605 for a cupping of our CCS Acevedo Cup winners from Huila, plus fresh crop Guatemala, Kenya and Ethiopia. 

Spaces are strictly limited so reservations are essential. Reserve your place at Eventbrite.

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Want to chat with us while we're in town? Let's make a time to meet!
West Coast sales: Colleen
East Coast sales: Sal
Buying & QC: Matt

CCS + Ikawa at the London Coffee Festival

We'll be joining our friends at the Ikawa stand during the London Coffee Festival for a demonstration roast. Nico will discuss roasting on our portable Ikawa while sourcing coffee in Ethiopia, and we'll have a few delicious Ikawa-roasted coffees from Burundi and Ethiopia available to taste.  

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We'll also be cupping with our friends at Ozone Coffee Roasters on Saturday April 14. Taste new crops from Colombia, Ethiopia and Kenya. Spaces are limited, email Nico to make sure you don't miss out.