Tickets now in stock for Le Carnaval du Café 4-6 November 2014


We are happy to tell you the tickets for Le Carnaval du Café 2014 are now in stock, friends! You can buy your ticket from our brand new website where you can find all the information of the event. Read more what the tickets will include. The price for a LCDC 2014 ticket is now set to 600 USD. A ticket includes the entire program during 4-6 November 2014 in Paris:

  • Presentations
  • Cuppings
  • Meet-and-Greet workshop
  • lunch in 5th and 6th November
  • snacks during the days
  • Material prior to and during the event
  • Your own LCDC cupping spoon
  • LCDC closing dinner on 6th hosted by our friends 32 Cup

The tickets can be bought via PayPal so if you already have an account for PayPal, buying a ticket is easy and quick. If you have to create an PayPal account, it is also really simple and you can find directions on our website how to do it.

Event program


Meet-and-Greet - Late Afternoon, Tuesday, November 4 LCDC starts with a meet-and-greet amongst participants. We are meeting later in the afternoon so that participants flying into Paris have a chance to settle in during the morning. We will all gather for a workshop in a Parisian coffee facility (location TBA). 

Day 1: East Africa Day, 9am-5pm Wednesday, November 5

The day will is all lectures and cuppings about our East African focus countries, Burundi and Ethiopia. Confirmed speakers are Paul Songer, Heleanna Georgalis and Lauren Rosenberg with Oliver Strand acting as discussion moderator.

Day 2: Latin America Day, 9am-5pm Thursday, November 6

The second full day of the event will focus on lectures and cuppings of our Latin American focus countries, Honduras and TBA. In the evening, LCDC’s closing dinner will be hosted by our friends, 32Cup, venue TBA.

See you all in Paris! Le Carnaval du Café 2014 will be held in beautiful and historic La Bellevilloise.