
Moplaco warehouse, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. These women hand-sort each and every lot as the final QC measure for coffees exported by Moplaco.

Moplaco warehouse, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. These women hand-sort each and every lot as the final QC measure for coffees exported by Moplaco.


THE queen OF COFFEE origins

Ethiopian coffees notoriously change the perceptions of coffee drinkers about what coffee can taste like. This is no doubt due to the amazing genetic variety the 'birthplace of coffee' boasts; the vast majority of coffee varieties here have yet to be even categorized. This is perhaps why Ethiopia's coffee sector is so protective, making it one of the most frustrating origins for sourcing. Navigating Ethiopia's labyrinthine and ever-changing coffee politics make finding trustworthy partners absolutely vital. We believe we are working with the best of the best.


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