
From left: Luis Anibal Calderon, Diego Erazo Martinez, Daniel Erazo Martinez, Maria Bercelia Martinez. Maria and her family are key CCS partners in the micro-region of Acevedo in Huila, Colombia.

From left: Luis Anibal Calderon, Diego Erazo Martinez, Daniel Erazo Martinez, Maria Bercelia Martinez. Maria and her family are key CCS partners in the micro-region of Acevedo in Huila, Colombia.



Colombian coffees are much sought after for their excellent cup quality. This is an origin with one of the best developed coffee associations in the world; one that invests in rigorous  research and extensive education for its coffee producers. Our export partners — La Palma & El Túcan in Cundinamarca and Fairfield Trading in Huila, Tolima and Nariño — exemplify this country's commitment to quality standards and its avant garde spirit.