Events / Eventos

CCS + Ikawa at SCA

Matt will join our friends at the Ikawa stand during the SCA Specialty Coffee Expo for a demonstration roast. Matt has extensive experience as a roaster and manages QC and samples for CCS globally. He'll talk about his experience at origin with a portable Ikawa, and using it for sample roasting, while serving up some Ikawa-roasted Colombias. 

Ikawa x CCS SCA FINAL.001.jpeg

Collaborative Coffee Source will be at the SCA Specialty Coffee Expo in Seattle. Join us in Room 605 for a cupping of our CCS Acevedo Cup winners from Huila, plus fresh crop Guatemala, Kenya and Ethiopia. 

Spaces are strictly limited so reservations are essential. Reserve your place at Eventbrite.

CCS SPRING poster template.jpg

Want to chat with us while we're in town? Let's make a time to meet!
West Coast sales: Colleen
East Coast sales: Sal
Buying & QC: Matt

CCS + Ikawa at the London Coffee Festival

We'll be joining our friends at the Ikawa stand during the London Coffee Festival for a demonstration roast. Nico will discuss roasting on our portable Ikawa while sourcing coffee in Ethiopia, and we'll have a few delicious Ikawa-roasted coffees from Burundi and Ethiopia available to taste.  

Ikawa x CCS London Final.jpeg

We'll also be cupping with our friends at Ozone Coffee Roasters on Saturday April 14. Taste new crops from Colombia, Ethiopia and Kenya. Spaces are limited, email Nico to make sure you don't miss out. 


SCA APril 2018.jpg

Collaborative Coffee Source will be at the SCA Specialty Coffee Expo in Seattle. Join us in Room 605 for a cupping of our CCS Acevedo Cup winners from Huila, plus fresh crop Guatemala, Kenya and Ethiopia. 

Spaces are strictly limited so reservations are essential. Reserve your place at Eventbrite.

Want to chat with us while we're in town? Let's make a time to meet!
West Coast sales: Colleen
East Coast sales: Sal
Buying & QC: Matt

CCS at the London Coffee Festival

CCS will be in town for the London Coffee Festival. Join us and our friends at Ozone Coffee Roasters for a cupping on Saturday April 14. We'll be tasting new crops from Colombia, Ethiopia and Kenya. Spaces are limited, email Nico to make sure you don't miss out. 

CCS SPRING poster template.jpg

CCS x Ikawa

We'll also be joining our friends at the Ikawa stand during the festival for a demonstration roast. Nico will discuss roasting on our portable Ikawa while sourcing coffee in Ethiopia, and we'll have a few delicious Ikawa-roasted coffees from Burundi and Ethiopia available to taste.  

13.00 - 15.00 on Thursday April 12. 


Would you like to chat with us while we're in London? We'd love to meet you. Email us and we'll make a time. 



Coffee & Tea RusExpo


Robert will be in Moscow for the Coffee & Tea RusExpo this Friday and Saturday! 

Gesha Village and CCS

16 March, 2018, 17:00 - 18:00
Coffee&Tea Lab

Highlighting the unique farm and high-end specialty coffee project of Adam Overton, Gesha Village, located in the Kaffa region of Ethiopia — the true birth place of the Gesha varietal. Robert will explain the various areas of the farm, varietals, harvesting practices, and their meticulous processing craft, plus present a few highlighted lots, including their highest scoring lots of Gesha; washed, honeys, and naturals. The best lots from this farm will be auctioned online in May. 

CCS & Sourcing Coffee for Competition

17 March, 2018, 15:45 - 16:45
Coffee&Tea Lab

Introducing the processes behind sourcing very specific high-end coffee lots for a competition program. Robert will discuss planning according to the harvest seasons, building a conceptual competition program around a varietal and/or processing method, understanding the logistical implications and price challenges, and finally, tasting the potential! He will present samples from a few state-of-the-art coffee producers where CCS source these unique and exceptional coffees. 

See the full program for more details

CCS Presents: Cup, Learn & Share

CCS WINTER POSTER OSLO feb 16 insta.jpg
CCS WINTER POSTER OSLO feb 16 insta.jpg

Join us in Oslo for a fascinating 1-day workshop and discover two innovative CCS partners and their unique approach to producing specialty coffee:

La Palma y El Tucan (LPET), Colombia

Long Miles Coffee Project (LMCP), Burundi

We will be cupping, discussing, sharing and learning with guest speakers Lise Rømo of sister company Kaffa, and Rory Rosenberg of Oslo Cold Brew, two baristas who have competed with these coffees, and visited their farms and washing stations, plus a Skype Q&A with Sebastian Villamizar of La Palma y El Tucan.


10am  Cupping coffees from Long Miles Coffee Project

12pm Presentation by Rory Rosenberg of Oslo Cold Brew Rory was the 2017 Norwegian Barista Champion. He competed with LMCP and visited their washing stations in Burundi.

12.30pm Light lunch provided

1pm Cupping La Palma y El Tucan - Neighbors and Crops

2pm Cupping La Palma y El Tucan - Heroes Series

3pm Presentation by Lise Rømo of Lise was the 2016 Norwegian Barista Champion. She competed with coffee from La Palma y El Tucan, and visited their innovative farm in Cundinamarca, Colombia.

3.30pm Skype Q&A with Sebastian Villamizar of La Palma y El Tucan

4pm Beers and refreshments

Spaces are limited. Contact to reserve yours!

CCS Origin Trip to Ethiopia, January 2018

The CCS Sourcing team are currently in Ethiopia with customers and partners from all over the globe including Echo Lou of Coffee Voice, our distribution partners in China. Echo is a talented photographer and she has been documenting the trip on Instagram. Her photos provide a stunning insight into the vital role of coffee in the lives of Ethiopians.

You can follow @echo_lou on Instagram, and check in with CCS daily to see all the photos and videos from the team on the ground.

Here is just a sample:

Ethiopian coffees are renowned for their longevity. Many cup well after several months of rest, some cup even better. We have some stellar Ethiopian coffees from last year that are still cupping beautifully which we're clearing as part of our Antwerp Warehouse Clearance Sale. Check out these offers:

Guji Natural by Mormora Estate, Ethiopia
Guji heirlooms
Process: Natural
Notes: Rose water, cane sugar, berries, peach, citrus
Score: 87.25
Normal Price: $11,07/kg
Now: $10,57/kg or $10,07/kg for a full pallet.

Hunda Oli Lot 15, Agaro, Ethiopia
Limu heirlooms
Process: Washed
Notes: Floral, fresh apricot, balanced and round
Score: 87
Normal Price: $11,62/kg
Now: $11,12/kg or $10,62/kg for a full pallet.

See the full Antwerp Clearance Sale price list and contact Nico for samples.

Stay tuned for our Ethiopia Origin Update, coming soon.



SCA x CCS 2017


We will be cupping a curated selection of our coffees: available, soon to be available, along with some stunners that simply need revisiting.

Date: Sunday, April 23, 2017
Time: 10:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: The Cupping Exchange, Room 618


From the currently harvesting. Showcasing long-time friends and new acquaintances from Santa Barbara, which produces some of our most interesting Central American offerings coming from some of our longest-standing relationships.

Moreno Family, El Cedral, Santa Barbara

Moreno Family, El Cedral, Santa Barbara


A selection of some of the most versatile coffees we offer. Featuring cups from Antigua & Huehuetenango.

Luis Pedro Zelaya Zamora, Bella Vista Mill

Luis Pedro Zelaya Zamora, Bella Vista Mill


Charles Cardoso from Kenyacof will be on hand to discuss the flight of freshly harvested coffees (on offer), along with the ups and downs of the just completed harvest season.

Mary Maina, Manyeki Estate

Mary Maina, Manyeki Estate


From mainstays to our first international presentation of newly established relationships with cooperatives in the Agaro region.

Asnake Nigat of Kata Muduga Union

Asnake Nigat of Kata Muduga Union


Alejandro Renjifo of Fairfield Trading will accompany the presentation of our Acevedo lots, freshly arrived and meticulously curated during the Acevedo Cup Competition from December 2016.

Alejandro Renjifo (R) with Acevedo Cup winner Fernando Bustos (C) & Eduardo Urquina of Fairfield Trading (L)

Alejandro Renjifo (R) with Acevedo Cup winner Fernando Bustos (C) & Eduardo Urquina of Fairfield Trading (L)


Ben Carlson from Long Miles Coffee joins us as we cup and reflect on how stunning these Burundian coffees have been and what it took to get them there.

Ben Carlson (L) with Jeremie Nakimuhana (C) from Long Miles with a farmer from Mikuba Hill

Ben Carlson (L) with Jeremie Nakimuhana (C) from Long Miles with a farmer from Mikuba Hill

Sal, Martell, Robert and David will be on hand to talk about the coffees, the origins, and also CCS, our model and fielding inquiries/interest on working together.

Our session is open to the public. The room is set for 30 people, with 25/30 spots already confirmed.

Get in touch with Sal to secure these last spots. He will also be happy to schedule a meeting with you should you not be able to attend the cupping.

SCAA 2015 Cupping Program

Join us for Our Cupping Events: SCAA 2015 Seattle

Where: The Makers Space (92 LENORA ST, SEATTLE, WA 98121)

When: Friday, April 10 & Saturday, April 11 from 10:00am-1:00pm

Friday's Program: East Africa Day

10:00-10:10 Welcome

10:15-11:00 - Ethiopia: Preview Cupping to Heleanna Georgalis, Moplaco Trading Co., Ethiopia

11:00-11:30 Ethiopia: Heleanna Georgalis on Ethiopia's Coffee Trade + more

11:30-11:45 - Break

11:45-12:15 - Ethiopia: Cupping of CCS Selection

12:15-1:00 - Burundi & Kenya: Cupping of CCS Selection

Saturday's Program: Central America Day

10:00-10:10 Welcome

10:15-10:45 - Guatemala: Melanie Herrera on the work of Zelcafé in Antigua and beyond

10:45-11:30 - Guatemala: Cupping of CCS Selection

11:30-11:45 Break

11:45-12:15 - Honduras: Benjamin Paz on the work of San Vicente in Santa Barbara, Honduras

12:15-1:00  - Honduras: Cupping of CCS Selection

Warm up to LCDC 2.0 at Belleville, November 6, 2014

Bonjour Paris!

Melanie will be in town this Thursday as part of a warm-up to Le Carnaval du Café 2.0, which kicks-off January 25, 2015 at the beautiful La Bellevilloise of Paris.

For those of you who didn't join us during Le Carnaval du Café 2012, one of our esteemed guests was Dr. Flávio Borém, who presented findings from his research on natural processing in Brazil. Flávio is not only the pre-eminent researcher on coffee quality post-harvest (processing, drying, storage); he is also a naturals-processing specialist: from both research and cupping aspects. To give the briefest of backgrounds to this, naturals are vitally important to Brazil's coffee production as it makes up 80-85% of all coffee exported from Brazil. However, Brazilian naturals have been disregarded from a specialty coffee standpoint because much of it is regarded as inferior in quality and taste in comparison to coffee processed through other methods. What we at CCS have found is that there are great naturals to be had - it's a matter of finding the right partners that do naturals right.

During this week's warm-up event, Melanie will present some updates on some of these themes, as well as cup samples from this year's harvest to showcase just how far some Brazilian naturals have come in cup quality.


Event details

Location: Belleville, 10 rue Pradier

Date/Time: Thursday,  November 6th from 16:00

Tickets now in stock for Le Carnaval du Café 4-6 November 2014


We are happy to tell you the tickets for Le Carnaval du Café 2014 are now in stock, friends! You can buy your ticket from our brand new website where you can find all the information of the event. Read more what the tickets will include. The price for a LCDC 2014 ticket is now set to 600 USD. A ticket includes the entire program during 4-6 November 2014 in Paris:

  • Presentations
  • Cuppings
  • Meet-and-Greet workshop
  • lunch in 5th and 6th November
  • snacks during the days
  • Material prior to and during the event
  • Your own LCDC cupping spoon
  • LCDC closing dinner on 6th hosted by our friends 32 Cup

The tickets can be bought via PayPal so if you already have an account for PayPal, buying a ticket is easy and quick. If you have to create an PayPal account, it is also really simple and you can find directions on our website how to do it.

Event program


Meet-and-Greet - Late Afternoon, Tuesday, November 4 LCDC starts with a meet-and-greet amongst participants. We are meeting later in the afternoon so that participants flying into Paris have a chance to settle in during the morning. We will all gather for a workshop in a Parisian coffee facility (location TBA). 

Day 1: East Africa Day, 9am-5pm Wednesday, November 5

The day will is all lectures and cuppings about our East African focus countries, Burundi and Ethiopia. Confirmed speakers are Paul Songer, Heleanna Georgalis and Lauren Rosenberg with Oliver Strand acting as discussion moderator.

Day 2: Latin America Day, 9am-5pm Thursday, November 6

The second full day of the event will focus on lectures and cuppings of our Latin American focus countries, Honduras and TBA. In the evening, LCDC’s closing dinner will be hosted by our friends, 32Cup, venue TBA.

See you all in Paris! Le Carnaval du Café 2014 will be held in beautiful and historic La Bellevilloise.

Le Carnaval du Café will land in La Bellevilloise: 4-6 November 2014



Le Carnaval du Café is a celebration of coffee in a comprehensive sense: it’s a time for illuminating the latest in coffee research, a space where merited farmers and exporters get to share their valuable knowledge and expertise, it’s a collegial gathering of researchers, roasters, farmers and exporters—passionate coffee craftspeople. In Paris, no less! We are pleased to announce we have now landed on the venue and dates for this year’s LCDC: La Bellevilloise, a cultural and historic venue in Paris will be Carnaval’s home this year from Tuesday, November 4th to Thursday, November 6th, 2014.


Late Afternoon Tuesday, November 4

LCDC starts with a meet-and-greet amongst participants. We’re setting the time later in the day so that participants flying into Paris that morning can have a bit of time to settle into their accommodation and make their way to this first gathering.

9am-5pm Wednesday, November 5 and Thursday, November 6

These are the two main days. All the lectures/presentations and cuppings will take place at La Bellevilloise from 9 AM to approximately 4-5 PM.

Evening, Thursday, November 6

LCDC’s closing dinner will be hosted by our friends, 32 Cup. Venue TBA.

While the event ends on Thursday, hopefully some of you will stay in Paris for the weekend to enjoy all the city has to offer in terms of cultural events, food and coffee culture. We’ve got a lot of recommendations for you; a list carefully curated by our Parisian coffee friends who are in the know. On the other hand, the event ends early enough for you to be home for the weekend. Nice, right?


Historic venue

La Bellevilloise is beautiful historic venue with many big spaces and we have rented their Le Forum for our event. Le Forum is bright hall where we are going to have a stage for the speakers to put them on a spotlight what they truly deserve. The space additionally contains two other rooms where we are going to set our cupping tables and an area for relaxation between the presentations.

Read of the interesting history of La Bellevilloise:

” Founded in 1877 near Père Lachaise cemetery, right after the Commune, La Bellevilloise is the first Parisian cooperative built to offer to the middle class an access to political education and culture. A place of resistance where the first commercial exchanges from producer to consumer, early equitable trade and shows took place, La Bellevilloise had a main role in the economical and cultural life of the eastern Paris from 1910 to 1949. Since 2005, Renaud Barillet, Fabrice Martinez and Philippe Jupin, three agitators from the living arts production, media and production industry reopened this historical building with a strong project: give a second life to the spirit of La Bellevilloise by creating a huge independent place with artistic activities and happenings for the public, companies and media which is unique in Paris.”

More info coming this week!

Read more at Le Carnaval du Café 2014 website:


We have a limited amount of tickets in our pockets so be quick! Reserve your spot here by email to



CCS at London Coffee Week

Collaborative Coffee Source 2014 NEW HARVEST presentation

After extensive sourcing travels to origins throughout the winter we have been making recent presentations of our findings to discerning coffee roasting communities in Russia, France, Germany, USA/NYC, Norway and Sweden.

Now CCS is pleased and proud to be back in London to present a representation of new coffees from our relationships - new & old - in Kenya, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, Brazil to our English roasters & friends, during London Coffee Week on Thursday, April 3.

Venues and times TBD. Please email Melanie for details and to RSVP

These cupping events are open to: Green Coffee buyers, Roasters, Cuppers, Baristas, specialty coffee community & friends

Cupping & Cropster Presentation at the Barn, May 28



The Collaborative Coffee Source  and the Barn would like to invite you out to a cupping and Cropster presentation Tuesday, May 28 from 17:00.
The focus countries are Honduras and Guatemala. We will be presenting just  harvested crops coming from our partners in Santa Barbara, Honduras and Antigua, Guatemala! Both regions are, each year, becoming more and more recognized for producing some of the best quality coffee on offer from their respective countries. We are excited to present some of the "cream of the crop" from our partners in these two regions.
Following these cuppings will be a presentation from Cropster, the cool guys responsible for some of the most innovative and user-friendly roast logging tools on the market.
Don't miss out!

May & June 2013 Cupping Events


collaborative-3248 London in Review

Thank you to The Association and Prufrock Coffee for being such excellent hosts for our recent cupping events!

To recap: Our focus during the Association cupping were the Hacienda La Esmeralda Special auction lots. The Peterson family produces separate lots based on geographic areas, microclimates and picking dates from their farms and then auction these lots each year. The date for this year's auction is May 21st and we wanted to give UK roasters the opportunity to taste and form a buying group to bid on these amazing coffees during auction.

Our cupping at Prufrock had a broader focus and in addition to cupping the Esmeralda lots, cuppers tasted  fresh crop Guatemalan and Honduran coffees coming from our friends at Bella Vista in Antigua and San Vincente in Santa Barbara. Also in the mix were soon-to-arrive Kenya and Ethiopia coffees.

There were great turnouts at these events! Thanks to all who took the time to join us.

May and June Events

For all you out there who couldn't join us in London, don't despair! We're make the rounds again in May and June. Mark your calendars!

Oslo: May 15 @ Kaffa Roastery. Esmeralda auction lots, Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya and Ethiopia.

Berlin: May 21 @ the Barn. Esmeralda auction lots. Auction is that day! May 28 @ the Barn: Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya and Ethiopia.

Nice: June 26-28 during SCAE World of Coffee. Details to follow!